Ignite Christian Business (CB) is here to help Christian business owners and entrepreneurs understand Kingdom principles and what the Word of God says about them.
Does your business struggle trying to just "make it". Unfortunately, too many Christian business owners and too many Christians have been taught that we are to only "make it" and are not to be prosperous in what we do.
If we are not prosperous in our businesses and in our lives, then how are we supposed to advance the Kingdom?
You are not ALONE! We are a community where new business owners can glean what it means to start out with a Kingdom mindset and principles in place from the ground floor, having a strong foundation to build upon. It is ONLY through community that we ALL can be successful in our lives and businesses and ONLY through community can we advance the Kingdom!
A Kingdom community that we are proud to be a part of is PRAY.com. Through this community we have acquired over 12k followers to our Ignite-CB Podcast. If you haven’t yet downloaded the Pray.com App, we encourage you to go download it to your device so you can keep up to date with our episodes. If you would like a FREE year of PRAY.com's premium service, then head to Pray.com/IgniteChristianBusiness to download or click on the image below.
With healthy, intentional relationships, characterized by exceptional candor and deep devotion to Kingdom principles, Ignite Christian Business is the contact hub you've been hungry for.
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We would be honored to introduce you to the Ignite community. Please click here and register for the monthly community call so you can get expert advice for your business.